Fallen Leaves, Leaf Build Up, & Your Commercial Property
The autumn season is usually a beautiful time in the Raleigh/Durham metro area, with a plethora of beautiful fall colors on display. As the fall season wears on, these same leaves are a primary cause of frustration and distress for commercial property owners and managers-especially when there is excessive leaf fall and build up. It […]
All Sorts Of Facilities Benefit From Regular Power Sweeping
The signs of summer are all around us. Hot weather, humidity, outdoor activities and thunderstorms are all part of this season. As the season continues, these thunderstorms can lead to brief periods of very heavy rains. Trash, litter, and debris can clog storm drains and potentially make flooding fromthis fast accumulating summer precipitation much worse. […]
Why Deferred Maintenance Is Usually Not A Good Idea
Deferred Maintenance refers to the practice of postponing necessary maintenance, repairs, upgrades & replacements until some future date. Maintenance and repairs can be deferred for any number of reasons, but the most common causes are the lack of budgeted funds or manpower to cover the project. The brutal irony of deferred maintenance is that while […]