Searching For a Quality Sweeping Contractor
When you are choosing a power sweeping service provider, there are no one size fits all options. There are multiple considerations that factor into the process of searching for a sweeping contractor. Here are some recommendations and relevant questions to keep in mind to ask. This will help you choose a sweeping service provider that […]
Special Late-Winter Sweeps
So you’re ready to “think Spring?” We know, but we also know there are several more weeks of Winter (or so says the Groundhog.) Whether or not warmer weather joins us soon, your property needs some extra care right now. Let’s do a quick deep dive into special late-winter sweeps to prep your property for […]
The Ins And Outs Of Sweeping In Winter
For many people, the months following the rush of the holidays provide a season to recover, hibernate, and maybe, just maybe plan for the coming year. However, if you are managing any type of property or street, now is not the time to put your property maintenance on hold! Sure, traffic may have decreased slightly […]
Happy New Year From AE Commercial Property Maintenance!
As 2021 draws to a close, we humbly reflect upon the completion of another successful year in business serving the pavement maintenance, pavement repair, and commercial cleaning needs of the Greater Raleigh/Durham area. Our loyal clients are the reason we are able to continue to successfully operate. In addition to our dedicated customer base, we […]
The Holiday Season Is Here!
At Asphalt Enterprises Commercial Property Maintenance, we love the holiday season. The arrival of December brings with it lots of festive celebrations, moments spent with cherished loved ones, and an overall sense of joy and anticipation. This joyful time of year, as we significantly ramp up our pavement sweeping and commercial cleaning services to accomodate […]
Fallen Leaves, Leaf Build Up, & Your Commercial Property
The autumn season is usually a beautiful time in the Raleigh/Durham metro area, with a plethora of beautiful fall colors on display. As the fall season wears on, these same leaves are a primary cause of frustration and distress for commercial property owners and managers-especially when there is excessive leaf fall and build up. It […]
The Top 8 Reasons To Contract Construction Sweepers
There are many great reasons to contract with a professional power sweeping company for construction site cleanup. These range from realizing a savings of time and money by utilizing the much more efficient cleaning effectiveness of a skilled operator operating state of the art equipment to enhancing and simplifying environmental regulatory compliance, among other considerations. […]
Fall Is Nearly Here! Is Your Pavement Prepared?
Now August has drawn to a close and the Labor Day weekend beckons, the signs that summer is almost over are everywhere. Retail stores have already begun to stock Halloween decorations and Pumkin Spice flavored foods and beverages are already featured on menu boards nationwide. While the official start of Autumn is a few weeks […]
Why Deferred Maintenance Is Usually Not A Good Idea
Deferred Maintenance refers to the practice of postponing necessary maintenance, repairs, upgrades & replacements until some future date. Maintenance and repairs can be deferred for any number of reasons, but the most common causes are the lack of budgeted funds or manpower to cover the project. The brutal irony of deferred maintenance is that while […]
Road Sweeping-The Lesser Known Benefits
Most people believe that the only purpose of road sweeping is to remove dirt, debris and leaves from a street or other paved surface. While litter and debris removal is very important, the purpose and benefits of street sweeping go well beyond simple cleanliness. The Benefits of Road Sweeping The overall benefits of road sweeping […]